
Baby feeding essentials
Be prepared to feed your newborn around the Clock.

Here are the important baby supplies to stock up.

Bottles and nipples
Breast pump
Milk storage bags
Nursing pads
Nipple cream
High chair
Burp cloths
Baby feeding pillow
Bottle warmer
Bottle sterilizer

Baby bottle, nursing bottle or feeding bottle.

Teats with different flow rates. Bottles are designed to be directly attached to a breast pump. Accessories for bottles include cleaning brushes. Accessories include bottle brush, drying racks, bottle warmers, powder containers. Special formula powder containers can be used to store pre measured amounts of formula so that it may be transported as a unit. The containers are designed to stack together. Bottles for colic babies are designed to minimize the intake of air during feeding.

Baby bottles are sterilized. And are also recommended, you can also clean them with hot of soapy water.

Nipples (teats) with different flow rates, especially for premature infants and infants with feeding difficulties slowest flow rate is recommended. The use of bottles is discouraged beyond two years of age by most Health Organization. A sippy Cup or beaker is recommended. The use of bottle should be discontinued by 18 months.

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